Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Persuasive Writing: Should we go to bed earlier or later?

I definitely should go to bed later.
Firstly, I can play Wii longer with my sister and Dad. It's as fun as playing buzz.
Secondly, so I can go on the computer more and go on the blog.
Thirdly I can practice my maths, reading and writing and so I can get better at my things.
Fourthly, then I can practice my netball so I get player of the day.
I should stay up late until 8.00pm

By Ella

I should go to bed later.
Firstly, I should go to bed at the same time as my sister. My sister Hayley goes to bed at 10.30pm.
Secondly, there are good TV shows on TV, shows like Ninja Warrior.
Thirdly, so I can play with my dog Baily, we play hide and seek.
I must go to bed later.

By Logan

I should go to bed later.
Firstly, because my big sister goes later than me.
Secondly, my Mum gets to go to bed and my Dad goes the latest.

By Aroha

I should definitely go to bed later.
Firstly, I want to watch movies like Twilight.
Secondly I want to go on the computer to go on Room 14 online to do the timetables games like Ping Pong the Panda and Granny Prix.
I hope I never go to bed early.

By Bailee

I should go to bed earlier.
Firstly, I want to beat Mason to school always and more time on the computer.
Secondly I want to be the first person to eat breakfast and then I get lollies.
Thirdly, my big brother Amui is the only one that that stays up late.

By Yash

I definately need to go to bed later.
Firstly there are very cool movies on like the Haunted movie, Wipe Out and Stuart Little . Secondly, I can play timestables on room 14 online like Granny Prix and Tug Team and Ping Pong The Panda.
Thirdly I can play on my play station like 2010 wrestling.
I really think I need a later bedtime.

By Mason

I definitely think I should have a later bed time.
Firstly, so that I can cuddle my rabbit, it helps me get to sleep. I must go to bed later like 9.30pm.
Secondly, my rabbit has a later bed time. I wish I can be a rabbit because she goes to bed later than I do.
I must go to bed later.

By Rebekah

I think that I should go to bed early.
Firstly, I don't want to watch any shows or programs because I don't watch them.
Secondly, I am used to going to bed early because I always go to bed early.
Thirdly, I already go to bed early every day except Saturday and Sunday.
I have to go to bed early.

By Lucas

I have to go to bed early.
Firstly, we need to go to bed early because our brain is tired.
Secondly, we won't get that much questions right.
Thirdly, we get very very very tired and grumpy and no one will want to play with us.
We need to go to bed early.

By Jaden

I need to go to bed later.
Firstly, I need to go to bed later with my family. I must stay with my Mum, Dad and Sister. Secondly, I want to go with my dog (Bella). I want to cuddle my dog and play with her and sleep with her.
Thirdly on weekends, I don't have to go to school. No Maths, writing and reading.
I definitely think I can stay up later.

By Savannah

I think that I must go to bed earlier.
Firstly, I wont be later for soccer.
Secondly I must be in bed at 7.30pm. I won't have to do the dishes.
Thirdly, I must go earlier because I am always tired at school.
I think that I should definitely should go to bed at 7.30pm.

By Ben

My bedtime should be at 9.30pm.
Firstly, there are good stories on TV like I Carly, Ben 10 and Family Guy.
Secondly it is unfair because my Mum and Dad get to stay up later.
Thirdly, I can't go to school.
Lastly I can do the dishes.
I should go to bed later.

By Timothy

I really think my bed time should be later.
Firstly, I can watch TV shows that I never get to watch like Harry Potter, and Spongebob. Secondly, I am not sleepy. I haven't done enough vacuming.
Thirdly, I can pat my cat, she helps me go to bed because she is really cuddly. Her fur is nice and soft.
I really think my bedtime should be moved up.

By Michael

I should go to bed at 8.30pm.
Firstly, I strongly believe that I should go to bed later because I tidy my room up when I am told.
Secondly, I do what I am told to do.
I strongly believe I can go to bed at 8.30pm.

By Mia

I should always stay up late at night. Firstly, on Saturdays we can watch kids movies like Little Redwicked, Cars, Monster House and Toy Story 3 or 2. All movies are at 7.30 to 9.30pm. Secondly, we can wish something from a shooting star. If you tell what your wish is it won't come true like we wish for. I wish I could have ice-cream or I wish I can be a ballerina or I wish I can be Queen. Don't be silly because if you wish for “I Wish I could meet a Ghost” it would not come true.. Ghost's are not real.
Finally, I can learn more like....writing, Mathathon and Dragons and Heroes.
I definitely will go to bed really late.

By Marianne

I definitely think I should be able to go to bed later !
Firstly, I want to watch Real Monster which is after my bed time because my bed time is 8.00pm and it is on at 8.30pm.
Secondly, I want to see my pet rabbits from Australia because I know my pet misses me a lot. Thirdly, So I can watch “Dancing on Ice” because I can watch the dancing that I like.
I think I should stay up late.

By Cassady

I think I should go to bed earlier.
Firstly, I should go to bed earlier because I am sometimes later for soccer because sometimes we lose.
Secondly, I must go to sleep earlier so that I don't feel grumpy the next day and don't feel like going to school and shout and feel like crying.
Thirdly, I must go to sleep early so that I am not late for the bus.

By Jack

I should stay up late! I should go to bed at 9.00pm.
Firstly, so I can watch TV like Coronation Street, 16 Wishes and definitely Dancing on Ice. Secondly, I could go on the computer more to play games, go on the blog and watch music videos.
Thirdly, I could do my homework. I need to do it instantly and get it signed and checked.
My Nana must let me stay up late.

By Yasmin

I should definitely go to bed later.
Firstly, I get to watch my favourite shows like Funniest Home Videos and my favourite show Dancing on Ice and Icarly.
Secondly, I can practice dragons and heroes. I will become an amazing level 6. It's super smart. Thirdly, I can help do the dishes because I never get to help. I am really good at my maths, it is fun.
I must always go to bed later.

By Anna

I must go to bed earlier.
Firstly, so I cannot miss out on stuff like fitness because it is good for getting fit and computer to learn maths on room 14 online, and the blog.
Secondly, I get to have fun inside.
Thirdly, play with my friends, playing tag outside on the white lines on the play ground.
That's why I should go to bed earlier so I am not tired to play.

By Phillip

I think I should stay up later.
Firstly, I can stay up to 8.30pm so I can watch movies. Movies like Hannah Montana.
Secondly, I can stay up because my dog does, so why cannot I stay up later?
Thirdly, I can stay up later so I can play High School Musical hop scotch so I can get energy.
I must be allowed to stay up later.

By Mercedes

I believe I should go to sleep at 12.00am.
Firstly, I can go on the computer and play dazzling games. We can play games like Moshi Monsters and listen to songs and play dress up games.
Secondly, I can read fun and amazing books like “going to the pool”. We can read library books or read poems and look at the picture books.
Thirdly, I can learn some more maths to be very smart. What we can learn is timetables or measurements to learn more or to learn doubles ups to 40.
I definitely wish to go to sleep at 12.00am.

By Hye Lin

I should have a later bedtime.
Firstly, I get to watch my movies like High School Musical and Hannah Montana and Camp Rock.
Secondly, I get to play on the computer like face book, and Thirdly, So I get to pat my cat so he gets to go to sleep. He loves getting patted, he is so cute.
I must have a later bedtime.

By Maja

I should stay up later.
Firstly, sometimes my sisters stay up later. Ashley sometimes stays up until 7.30pm.
Secondly, I must stay up later because I can watch 7.30pm movies.
Thirdly, so I don't need to go to school so I can have a break.
I can stay up later and watch more movies.

By Blake


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