Thursday, July 29, 2010

Zahra's 100s Day Story

How I Spent $100

On my birthday I got $20 for a birthday present and I only needed $20 to have $100. I added my money all up and I had $100.The next day I went shopping to the mall. The first shop I went into was Smiggles, from there I brought a skull folder,that cost $25.Then I brought (from the same shop)a mini eletric sharpner that was $15.90 and I brought 12 twisterbuls(whitch are crayons)were $12.I went to anuther shop to get two ice - creams they both cost $30 because they were $15 each. On Friday I went to the Smiggles shop again and brought a rainbow scribble pen, that cost $8 and one more thing that I brought it was a new pad, that was $10 and I added all the money up (that I spent)and I spent about $100.

By Lovely Zahra

Another Webcastless Friday

Because of continuing problems with the laptop, we were unable to do another webcast today. Next week we'll be away at MOTAT, so we're hoping to have webcasts back online in a couple weeks.

Mr. Nash
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Art Help


If you could help us out with our artwork this week, it'd be much appreciated!
We're doing our final prints tomorrow (Tuesday) from 10:15am-10:45am and could use some help with the inks. From Wednesday to Friday, we will likely need the art mounted on black paper and this can be done at any time during the normal school day.


Mr. Nash

New Refill Pads


Room 14 students have almost filled up their refill pads. To let them continue doing their amazing writing, please make sure they have a new 'A4 8mm ruled Writing Pad'. These are inexpensive and can be bought from most stationary shops.

Mr. Nash
Friday, July 23, 2010

New Games

Two new games are now appearing on our blog.

Island Chase will help Room 14 students become better with their subtraction.
(Room 14, this is good for Level 4, 5, and 6 dragons and heroes)

Penguin Jump will help Room 14 students become better with their multiplication.
(Room 14, this is good for Level 5 and 6 dragons and heroes).

Mr. Nash
Thursday, July 22, 2010

100 Days At School

Today, Room 14 (and the rest of the junior school!) celebrated 100 days at school this year! It was a very exciting day with basketball shoot-outs, dancing, and people showing 100 things that they had brought in to school.
Our 100th day was equally exciting on the Maths Wall....Mrs. Ones' and Mr. Tens' house are now sitting empty, but Mrs. Hundreds finally has some company!
There was lots of clapping and lots of cheering. (-:
Congratulations to everybody in Room 14 for achieving so much success in just 100 days so far this year!

Mr. Nash
This episode introduces us to force and motion. For every action, there is a reaction!

A Webcastless Friday

We had our new webcast all set to go! Sadly, the computer that puts it all together decided that it was going to remain on holiday. )-:
We hope to have a webcast for you again on Friday next week instead.
Thanks for your patience,

Mr. Nash
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Science Friday Holiday Experiments

To download the new Science Friday Holiday Experiments, click HERE.

Mr. Nash
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Science Friday Episode #6: Look Out Below!

In this episode, we look at surface area and air resistance. These two concepts were explained at our science roadshow earlier this week in the school auditorium! It was good review for everybody here in Room 14. Thanks again to our Super Scientist Debbie who has been doing our Science Fridays for us this term. We really appreciate it!

Mr. Nash

Webcast #10

A great way to end the term...our best webcast yet!

Dance Rehearsal

Outside of school time, Yasmin and Zahra have come up with some dance moves to one of their favourite songs. Here they are rehearsing it for the Rimu Team Assembly.