Sunday, December 5, 2010


These are jokes that were typed up from Yasmin. She found them in a Geronimo Stilton book she was reading!

If a mouse lost his tail, where would he go
to get a new one?
A 're-tail' store!

When should a mouse carry an umbrella?
When it’s raining cats and dogs!

What animal is a tattletale?
A pig. It always squeals on you!

What’s a mouses favourite state?

Why do rodents like earthquakes?
Because they like to shake, rattle, and MOLE.

What’s the tallest building in the world?
The library, of course! It has the most stories!

What do you call something easy to chew?
A ch-easy chew!

What martial art does Geronimo Stilton
like to practice?
Tai cheese!

What happens to a cat when it eats lemon?
It turns into a sourpuss!

How do you make a tissue dance?
You but a little boogie on it!

What do you call a group of mice in disguise?
A mouse-querade party!

What does a mouse feel after a shower?
Squeeky clean!

What do you call a mouse that’s the size of an

Who was the first cat to come to America?
Christo-fur Colum-puss!

What’s black and white and red all over?
The Rodent’s Gazette! Its READ all over.


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