How I Spent $100
On my birthday I got $20 for a birthday present and I only needed $20 to have $100. I added my money all up and I had $100.The next day I went shopping to the mall. The first shop I went into was Smiggles, from there I brought a skull folder,that cost $25.Then I brought (from the same shop)a mini eletric sharpner that was $15.90 and I brought 12 twisterbuls(whitch are crayons)were $12.I went to anuther shop to get two ice - creams they both cost $30 because they were $15 each. On Friday I went to the Smiggles shop again and brought a rainbow scribble pen, that cost $8 and one more thing that I brought it was a new pad, that was $10 and I added all the money up (that I spent)and I spent about $100.
By Lovely Zahra