Well done, Marianne! You achieved success with Level 5 weapons really quickly!
Mr. Nash
“Yum! I like the taste of that blue blueberry”. Have you ever wondered what a Droo is?
The Droo only eats blue food (and the blue food is as blue as the sea) because it rhymes with his name. See look, Droo/blue.
He doesn’t like red food because it doesn’t rhyme with his name.
The Droo is a big pain because he won’t stop eating blue food.
By Blake
Before that we where playing with Dylan and we all played Mario Kart.
By Blake
The Learning Progress Award went to Blake. He's been making huge amounts of progress with his Maths this term!
The Citizenship Cup for Rimu Team went to Abigail for showing so much respect to people around her. Abigail always uses her friendly words and is such a positive person!
I've known Abigail since she started school and I have yet to ever see her grumpy!
Well done, award winners!
Mr. Nash
In this episode, we revisit our plants to see how they're growing. We then move onto a new experiment with carbon dioxide. As always, if you try these experiments at home, you'll need an adult around to supervise!
Here's a famous Mentos and Coke Youtube clip. Imagine our science experiment done to MUSIC!
I have 3 baby cows (heifers) called Rosie,Ginger and Garnet. Rosie is black as the night sky. Rosie is the bossy one with the food. We feed them special pellets mixed with some water. Rosie is greedy. When she has some food in her bowl she will go and pinch food from the others.
Ginger is light brown and is very cute and adorable. She is a fussy eater and takes her time with her food. I like Ginger as she is gentle and kind. Garnet is the cool one. I can do anything with her. She can eat out of my hands, and I can pat her on her body not like the other cows.
I love my little cute cows and they will all become very kind and friendly as time goes on.
By Yasmin
I love the Disney Princesses. They are beautiful like a colourful butterfly.
I like Cinderella because I like her pretty blue dress. It has lots of sparkles on.
I like Ariel because she saves the pink dolphin that almost got kiddnapped by Ursula.
I like Malun because she is nice and kind to animals. She likes talking to animals too, and she likes animals. I like animals too.
I like Belle because she is very kind to people, even a BEAST. She had not been angry or jealous to anyone. Kind Belle!
I like Snow White because she is sweet, pretty, kind and nice.
I like Princess Arora becase I like her pink sparkles dress and she likes roses and so do I.
My favorite princess is Princess Arora.
By Marianne
Have you ever wondered what a scary bear looks like?
His ginormous teeth are as big as a refrigerator.
What he likes to do is laugh, run and yawn.
He lives in a cave and the cave is as brown as Troy (our classroom bear) and as quiet as Ginger.
He is as scary as a big ginormous monster.
He likes sleeping in his nice warm cave.
By Blake
Mr. Nash
Mr. Nash
This episode is all about creating an electrical circuit using batteries and switches. Do you think a lemon can be used as a battery?
All About Me And Troy In The Weekend
Me and Troy had a great time in the weekend. Troy was very happy. Also did you know Troy is very hungry? He eats lots of junk food. Troy learnt how to skip, put shoes on and learnt how to play games. Me and Troy had a amazing time. We played Mums and Dads. Troy was the bear, I was the Mum. On Saturday I told him about my netball game. On Friday when my friends came over I told them ''Did you know on Friday I got Troy and he's amazing''. We drew some amazing, cool drawings.
From Ella
There was a boy and a girl they wanted to play outside but it was raining.
First, they heard a bump and then they went up stairs and the boy went into the wardrobe.
Second, they looked behind them and they saw the cat in the hat and ran down the stairs and screamed. The Cat kept following them, after that he sung a song and here is some of the words “Fun! Fun! Fun, We can’t have fun with out you the middle” The cat stood on the ball on one leg, a cake on his head, holding an umbrella and the fish on top of the umbrella, and three books on his elbow and milk on his feet.
Third, they made cupcakes.
Fourth, they had plans to mess up a perfectly clean house, a) cut your loses and ditch the kids, b) trick mom’s boyfriend into handing over dog and lock.
Fifth, they cleaned the house and the boy and the girl and their dog.
Sixth, the Cat checked the house for fun and the children with the Phunometer and they were Just Right!
By Blake
What's cool about static electricity? Find out below!
By Michael
By Lucas
Do you know that people have dogs to protect them. Do you know why we have pets?
First, we have pets because we can play with them. Second we have pets because they keep us company. People have pets because if they have a Parriot and you talk to them, the Parriot will
talk back to you. Parriots are fun to talk to. I like Parriots do you?
By Abigail
Pets are animals that you have to feed. Have you ever wondered why we have pets. Because if you have no sisters to play with our pets are often great to have around. Pets do really cool trickes and amuse you. Finally, pets can help keep nasty people away from our house. Robbers are sometimes scared of dogs. Pets can play at home with out you, and keep the robbers away.
By Aroha
Pets are animals that sometimes can be electric. Have you ever wondered why people have pets?
There are dogs that are fluffy as carpet and cats have wiskers and sharp claws. First, People like pets because they are good company. Second, there are dogs that keep robbers away form your house, and can keep bad people away.
By Mason
Pets are animals like dogs and cats. Have you ever wondered why people have pets? First, dogs help out at the airport incase someone has something in their bag that they're not allowed to take to another country. Secondly, dogs are great working dogs. If people are blind the dogs are your eyes. Finally, some people have pups or dogs because they are cute and cuddly like a puff ball. Dogs help out with peoples jobs like blind people and they are cute.
By Yasmin
Pets are cool animals, you need to feed them and walk them. Have ou ever talked to somebody that has a pet and asked them “Why do you have a pet?
First, we have amazing pets because if you have no brothers or sisters you can play with your amazing pets. Second did you know perts are very great at tricks. They are great at tricks as a person at a circus. Third, we have dogs because if a robber comes into your house they are there to help you. We have pets because if you have no brothers or sisters you can play with them. Pets are very good at tricks and if a robber comes into your house pets can help you.
By Ella
Pets are animals and they live in houses with people. Do you know why people have pets? First, they can keep nasty people away from our house and robbers are scared of dogs. Animals are helpful with work or jobs and cats are good for your scratching paper when you are done with it. Animals keep nasty people away and they help with work or jobs and care are good for scratching paper.
By Mercedes
Pets live with people that are alone. Have you ever wondered where pets live? First dogs can show where you are going if you are blind. Second people want to buy them sometimes because they are cute. Third you have to feed pets or they will die. Dogs show people where they are going. Pets are cute and live with people.
By Blake
Pets are animals that you keep at home. Have you ever wondered why people have pets? First, people have pets bcause ifyou are lonely you always have your pets to play with you. Second if you got a parrot you would be able to have a chat with your parrot . Third dogs keep out robbers because most robbers are always scared of guard dogs. People have pets because they can cheer you up and parrots can chat to you and dogs keep out robbers.
By Anna
Pets are animals that can do tricks. Have you ever wondered why we have pets. First, people have pets because training dogs can take blind people around. Second, a pet dog can walk in the morning every day and it could be a really good exercise for humans too. Third, dogs can keep bad! bad! people away so you can be bad people free. Pets can take blind people around, walk and keep bad people away.
By Marianne
Pets are animals that sometimes walk and you have to feed them. Have you ever wondered why people keep pets? First, people have pets because they are cute and cuddly as a guinea pig off G-Force. Second, people have pets so they don't get bored if they don't have a brother or sister to play with. Finally, dogs can help peole that are blind. People have pets that are cute and cuddly so you don't get bored and help people walk if they are blind.
By Zahra
Pets are animals that are often slimy and fluffy. Have you ever wondered why we have pets? First, you can have a pet to keep you company because if you had a cat it can welcome people at night if you are asleep. Secondly, if you had a dog and if you are blind it can guide you. Third, robbers are sometimes scared of dogs just like fighting dogs. Pets can keep you company, dogs can guide you and robbers are sometimes scared of dogs.
By Mia
Pets are animals that you may like. Have you ever wondered why people have pets? First, if you are lonely and need a hug you can hug your dog. Second, dogs can be your protection from robbers and bad people. Thirdly, the sniffer dogs sniff peoples bags to see if they have drugs or something. If you are lonely you can hug your dog. Dogs can be your protection from robbers and the sniff dogs sniff peoples bags.
By Cassady
Pets are company for people. Do you know what pets are? First, some pets are fluffy and second, pets are fun to look at and play with. Third, people have dogs so they can keep robbers out of the house. Pets are fluffy and fun to look at and keep nasty people out of your house.
By Michael
Pets are animals that we need to feed and walk everday. Have you ever wondered why people have pets? First, people have pets to help people do their work or help people find their way around. Second, dogs can protect you from robbers and bad people. Third, pets are fun and clever and can do lots of cool tricks. Pets are great and you should feed your pet, and keep robbers away and pets have fun as well.
By Jack
Pets are animals that can bark and walk and do cool tricks. Have you ever wondered what pets can do? First, pets can do heaps of cool stuff. Second, you have to take care of it. Third, they can get robbers, but robbers are scared of dogs. Finally pets cannot be lonely and if you have no brothres or sisters you can play with your pet or go for walks.
By Phillip
A pet is an animal that lives with people. Have you ever wondered why people have pets? First, if we don't have a sister or brother we could play with a pet. Second, pets are really good at doing tricks. Third pets are good for keeping robbers out of your house. Finally pets are helpful because they can help you with your jobs and your stuff. Pets can help you keep robbers out of your house if some people don't have brothers and siters they can play with a pet and pets can do cool tricks.
By Maja
Pets are animals that live with a person. Have you ever wondered why people have pets? First, pets can be very rough. They can be as rough as a wild animal. Second, pets can do jobs so when you are a police person you can have some help. Third, pets can be active like dogs because they can run on the grass. Pets can be rough , pets can do jobs and pets can be active.
By Lachlan
Pets are animals that could breathe. Have you ever wondered why people have pets? First, people like pets because they are cute. Secondly, People have pets because they help people if there are robbers. Thridly, if you don't have someone to play with you can play with your pets. Pets can play with you if you don't have somone to play with. They are cute and pets could keep robbers away from your house.
By Hye Lin
Pets are animals that you have to feed or they will die. Have you ever wondered why people have pets? We have pets because they can keep nasty and dumb robbers out of the house. Second if you have no brothers or sisters to play with then you can play with your pets.
By Bailee
Pets are animals that sometimes walk with you. Have you ever wondered why people have pets? First, people have pets like a cat or dog. Second, people have pets because they keep robbers away. Third, if we don't have a brother or sister we can play with our pets.
By Jaden
Pets are company for people. Have you ever wondered why people have pets? First, pets are good for company because they are hiper active. Secondly, guard dogs keep bad people away from the robbers and your home. Finally Pets are cool.
By Timothy
Pets are animals like dogs and cats, horses and fish. Have you ever wondered why people have pets? First, we have pets because we love pets. Second, pets can be good company instead of a brother or sister. Thirdly, animals like a dog can keep robbers away.
By Savannah
Pets can sleep and work. Have you ever wondered why we have pets? Pets are very cool. Firstly they can do lots of good things like stand or sit.
By Rebekah
Pets are some sort of animal. Have you wondered why people like pets? First, because they can keep you company when you are alone. Second, they help you and because they can entertain you. Third, the can lead you if you are blind. Pets are fluffy.
By Ben
We're making big improvements to our webcast by engaging (you), the audience, by looking at the camera and showing more emotion.
Keep an eye out for Dylan, Ella, and Mia this week!
Mr. Nash
Why We Eat Healthy Food
Healthy food is fruit and veges. Have you ever wondered what fruit and veges are?
First Fruit and veges have vitamin C ! With Vitamin C you can do lots of things like jump jam. Second when you are bigger you will be strong.
By Rebekah
Healthy food is fruit. Do you know what healthy food is?
First you should eat healthy food so your teeth can be strong and healthy, food gives us energy. Healthy food has iron and vitamin C and gives us a nice smile. You should eat healthy food because it's good for your body. Healthy food gives us minerals. You should eat an apple and not sweets and lollies.
By Michael
Healthy food is something that you eat like apples and oranges and vegetables, have you ever wondered what healthy food is? First if you eat healthy food you will be strong. Second, if you eat lollies they are not that good for you. I love healthy food. I hate lollies.
By Bailee
We eat healthy food because we will get stronger. Healthy food is fruit and vegetables, first it is good for you like an apple and organge. Second, healthy food is the best. Third healthy food gives us iron and energy.
By Jaden
Healthy food is something that is good for you. Have you ever wondered why we eat healthy food?
Healthy food gives you lots of energy so you can play football and you can run. Second you can live longer, because if you didn't you will die. Third your body can do stuff like jump jam because you can last longer. Healthy food has lots of energy in it.
By Ben
Healthy food is apples and oranges. Have you ever wondered why we eat healthy food? Healthy food gives you lots of energy and gives us iron and vitamin C, this is important so that we can run fast and do Karate. Healthy food keeps your teeth nice and strong and gives you a nice smile.
By Timothy
Healthy food is something you eat. Have you ever wondered why we eath healthy food? Healthy food is orange or banana's and lots of other things too. I love pears. If you eat healthy food you can stay alive and do jump jam and have lots of energy.
By Savannah
Healthy food is a thing that you can eat. Healthy food is fruit or vegetables, it makes us strong. Apple is healthy food. It gives us energy and keeps us fit. It is important to keep healthy because we can get stronger and do better at skipping.
By Mason
Why we eat healthy food is important. It keeps us strong and gives us energy. Healthy food is fruit and vegetables.
By Dylan
Healthy food is dazzling for you. Have you ever wondered why we eat healthy food? First healthy food makes you strong, when you grow bigger. It is really important to eat healthy food because it helps you grow strong and it's good for your brain.
By Lucas
Healthy food helps us get stronger and fit. Healthy food gives you heaps of energy and helps us run and do lots of activties and keeps us nice and strong.
By Logan
Healthy food is fruit and vegetables, but why do we eat healthy food? Healthy food is good for you because it gives you lots of energy. Healthy food gives you so much vitamin C. We eat healthy food because it's good fo you body.
By Abigail
Healthy food is dazzling food. Why do we eath healthy food? Healthy food is good for your muscles, our body needs iron andit helps us be strong and healthy and gives us a nice strong white teeth and a nice smile.
By Yash
TUESDAY: Responsibility is important because if you fight, things could end up in tears.
WEDNESDAY: Responsibility is important because by putting rubbish away in the bins, animals around the school will stay healthy.
THURSDAY: Responsibility is important because if you play with people responsibly, they'll want to play with you again.
FRIDAY: Responsibility is important because if you look after your belongings, they will last longer.
I have a very!!!!!!! rascally rabbit.
Her name is lightening.
One time, she ran into my sister and then went the other way very fast.
And then she ran into me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you no why she is called lightening ?
Because she is very fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When she gets loose she is hard to catch.
We got her from a friend of the family. She is a New Zealand Brown Rabbit and was caught by their cat at 2 weeks old.
We have had her three weeks and are taming her and looking after her.
Apologies for the background noise. Jump Rope for Heart was taking place on either side of our classroom today. 0-;